Police fire tear gas at protesters during Oromia religious festival, reportedly instigating deadly stampede in Bishoftu. Thousands of people had gathered for the annual Irreecha...
Now is the Time for change By Graham Peebles Usually September 11th, or 1st of Meskerem on the Ethiopian calendar, is a day of celebration. It...
According to new information coming from Ethiopia, the anti-government protests have spread to more regions in the country except  to major cities. A SomalilandPress...
By almariam On September 11, 2016 September 11, 2016 is the beginning of the 2009 Ethiopian New Year (Meskerem 1, Ethiopian Calendar ). It is painful for me...
09 Sep 2016 Addis Ababa September 09/2016 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the cooperation between Ethiopia and Somaliland in the areas of development and education...
Americans have no monopoly on heroes. Olympic heroes, that is. On August 21, 2016, Feyisa Lelisa, the 26-year-old Ethiopian long distance runner at the Rio...
Tens of thousands of anti-government protestors in Adama city of Oromia, Ethiopia marched on Saturday . Local media reported that the protestors were showing solidarity...
For a long time, Ethiopia was known as a country that needed others. But the tables appear to have turned. Now other countries need...
Local media sources from the northern Ethiopian province of Gondar say 20 people have died, including eight officers, in the ongoing border dispute between...
  A U.S. financed para-military force known as the Liyu police are terrorizing the civilian population in the eastern Ethiopian Somali region with impunity. Three weeks ago, out...