The horn of Africa’s self-declared state of Somaliland may get its first foreign university by mid-2013, if plans by a private university in Kenya...
Dahabshiil, which is Somali for ‘the gold melter’, is a ‘rags to riches’ story of an African entrepreneur who lost everything during the Somali...
Vacancy Announcement
Nationlink Telecom Somaliland is the largest network operator in east Africa which also operates in all regions of Somaliland. It’s also Somaliland's...
HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) -- Recent geological surveys indicate that Somaliland has abundant deposits of gemstones, from emerald to aquamarine, ruby and sapphire as well as...
JEDDAH (Somalilandpress) -- Mohamed T. Gino has been residing and working in the Kingdom for the past 24 years. He calls himself a...
NAIROBI, (Somalilandpress) -- East Africa is emerging as the next oil boom following a big strike in Uganda's Lake Albert Basin. Other oil...
Job Title
Software Programmer / Analyst
Information Technology
Salary Grade/Band
Reports to
Head of IT Department
Location / Based in
Hargeisa (Somaliland)
IT Executive
Opening Date
Closing Date
U-Tell FZC is looking...
He is the first black chief executive of a FTSE 100 company - though he hates people dwelling on that.
He is only 47, but...
NAIROBI (Somalilandpress) -- According to local lore, Portuguese travelers as far back as the late 19th century suspected oil might lie beneath parts of...
HARGEISA, (Somalilandpress) -- Telesom, one of the major telecommication carriers in Somaliland announced on Thursday the launch of the first environment-friendly and cost-effective solar-powered...