The horn of Africa’s self-declared state of Somaliland may get its first foreign university by mid-2013, if plans by a private university in Kenya...
Dahabshiil, which is Somali for ‘the gold melter’, is a ‘rags to riches’ story of an African entrepreneur who lost everything during the Somali...
Vacancy Announcement Background: Nationlink Telecom Somaliland is the largest network operator in east Africa which also operates in all regions of Somaliland. It’s also Somaliland's...
HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) -- Recent geological surveys indicate that Somaliland has abundant deposits of gemstones, from emerald to aquamarine, ruby and sapphire as well as...
JEDDAH (Somalilandpress) -- Mohamed T. Gino has been residing and working in the Kingdom for the past 24 years. He calls himself a...
NAIROBI,  (Somalilandpress) -- East Africa is emerging as the next oil boom following a big strike in Uganda's Lake Albert Basin. Other oil...
SOFTWARE ENGINEER / PROGRAMMER Job Title Software Programmer / Analyst Division/Department Information Technology Salary Grade/Band   Reports to Head of IT Department Location / Based in Hargeisa (Somaliland) Position IT Executive Opening Date   Closing Date   SUMMARY U-Tell FZC is looking...
He is the first black chief executive of a FTSE 100 company - though he hates people dwelling on that. He is only 47, but...
NAIROBI (Somalilandpress) -- According to local lore, Portuguese travelers as far back as the late 19th century suspected oil might lie beneath parts of...
HARGEISA, (Somalilandpress) -- Telesom, one of the major telecommication carriers in Somaliland announced on Thursday the launch of the first environment-friendly and cost-effective solar-powered...